VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사


Blog: Korea VISA & Immigration Information (한국비자와 출입국)-2021

3 Jun 2021

Invitation of F-2-7 visa holder’s Spouse and Children with F-2-71 visa or F-1-12 visa

If you are scheduled to invite your spouse and children living in your home country with F-1-12 visa or F-2-71 visa, you need to invite them through 'Application for Certificate of Visa Eligibility (#사증발급인정신청서)' at your local Immigration Office.

(*It was named 'VISA Confirmation Issuance Application but when I checked this Form 21 through Hi Korea website, its application name has been changed.)

Some of expats holding F-2-7 visa, a visa for outstanding talents based on points system, failed to change their spouse and children's visa from C-3-1 visa, a short term visit visa, to F-2-71 visa or F-1-12 visa.

They thought their spouse and children could be changed from a short term visit visa to a spouse & children visa of F-2-7 visa holders in the local Immigration Office.

This guide line has changed since last December 1, 2020 when Immigration announced an Extension and Change Criteria for F-2-7 visa including invitation for their spouse and child under 18 years old.

Now, F-2-7 visa holders' spouse and children are scheduled to go back their home country.

** As you know, sometimes, Immigration Policies change suddenly or frequently are changed based on other circumstances.
To prevent any kind of inconvenience, kindly contact to VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 or Immigration Contact Center 1345 before inviting your spouse and children.


#expats #Foreigners #f27visa #f27비자 #f112visa #f271visa #invitation #e7visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴 #Application_for_certificate_of_visa_eligibility
23 Apr 2021

국내출생 영주권 자녀의 국적 취득 및 국적이탈 예외 조항 신설_국적법 일부개정법률안 입법예고 설명 강의

국내출생 영주권 자녀의 국적 취득 및 국적이탈 예외 조항 신설_국적법 일부개정법률안 입법예고 설명 강의입니다.

1) 국내출생 영주권 자녀는 출생과 동시에 영주자격을 받게 됩니다.
다만, 부 또는 모가 귀화를 신청하면서 수반취득하기 않는 경우, 성년이 된 이후 별도의 절차를 거쳐 귀화를 해야 했습니다.
본 입법예고는 해당 부분에 대한 국적취득 제도 신설에 대해 설명하고 있습니다.

2) 복수국적 남자가 만 18세 미만의 나이에 국적상실신고를 하지 않는 경우, 병역의 의무를 필하지 않는 경우, 재외동포비자 (F-4비자) 등 국내에서 취업 및 영리활동을 할 수 없었습니다.
작년 2020년에 헌법재판소의 결정에 따라 이번 입법예고안에 복수국적자에 대한 국적이탈 예외 조항이 신설될 예정입니다.

자세한 사항은 한글 강이 참조 바랍니다.
19 Apr 2021
16 Apr 2021

Foreign workers (E-9, H-2 visa holders), extension of the period of stay and employment by one (1) year.

Foreign workers (E-9, H-2 visa holders), extension of the period of stay and employment by one (1) year.

 If your E-9 visa period is finished during Apr. 13, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021, your E-9 visa (EPS) will be extended by one (1) year due to amended Foreign Employment Act. 

This Act is implemented from Today (Apr. 13, 2021). 

Foreign workers (E-9), who were given a 50-day extension, also will be extended their E-9 visa period within one (1) year if their extended 50 days period is finished during Apr. 13, 2021 to Dec. 31, 2021.

The extended visa period will be given automatically for foreign workers but employers shall submit a working contract etc, to 외국인고용센터 (foreigner employment center).

See more details on attached file.

See more details in the Korea Times Articles at
16 Apr 2021
13 Apr 2021
11 Apr 2021

Mandatory wearing of masks indoors from April 12, 2021

Mandatory wearing of masks indoors

From the 12th (tomorrow), masks must be worn in all indoors regardless of the stage of distancing.

A fine of 100,000 won is imposed on those who do not wear masks, and a fine of 1.5 million won is imposed on those responsible for neglect of operation and management.

10 Apr 2021
9 Apr 2021

외국인 직업 및 연간 소득 금액 신고서 Foreigner occupation and annual income report form PDF Format 

외국인 직업 및 연간 소득 금액 신고서 Foreigner occupation and annual income report form. 

외국인 직업 및 연간 소득 금액 신고서 Foreigner occupation and annual income report form PDF Format 

#외국인직업및연간소득금액신고서 #Foreigner_Occupation_Annual_Income_Report #expats #foreigner

9 Apr 2021

2021 Q1 E7-4 VISA Results 1분기 숙련기능인력 점수제 비자 결과 발표일

2021 Q1 E7-4 VISA Results comes out at 16:00 pm, April 12, 2021.

E7-4 VISA is a points based skilled workers' visa converted from E-9 VISA.

숙련기능인력 점수제 1분기 선발자 발표는 4.12.(월) 16:00시 하이코리아 공지사항에 공지합니다.
7 Apr 2021
6 Apr 2021

제25차 외국인정책위원회 외국인출입국정책 요약 정리 장행닷컴행정사 VISA in KOREA

제25차 외국인정책위원회 외국인출입국정책 요약 정리 장행닷컴행정사 VISA in KOREA

최근 3월 31일에 제25차 외국인정책위원회에서 토의한 향후 외국인정책에 대한 설명 강의 입니다.

참조하시면 제4차 외국인정책 기본계획(2023'-2028')을 이해할 수 있을 것 같습니다.

토의한 사항은 E-9비자 근로자에 대한 재입국 기간 단축, E-9비자 근로자 근로기간 만료 이후 1년 이내의 취업활동 연장 (감염병 등 천재지변 시), E7-4비자 쿼터 2배 확대 등의 정책이 논의 되었으며, 제4차 외국인정책기본계획에 반영될 예정입니다.

31 Mar 2021

2021 Foreign Policy Implementation Plan

Amid concerns over labor shortages due to the ‘Dead Cross' phenomenon, where the population is declining due to fewer births than the deceased, the Korean government has decided to actively utilize foreign workers.

On the 31st of March, the Korean government deliberated and decided on the '2021 Foreign Policy Implementation Plan' at the 25th Foreign Policy Committee hosted by Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun at the Government Complex in Seoul on the 31st of March, today. 

At the meeting on this day, the focus was on how to utilize human resources for foreigners.

It is also planning to expand the entry of E-9 visa holding foreign workers to countries with good quarantine conditions, such as Laos and Cambodia.

In addition, it plans to increase the types of jobs that international students (D-2 visa) can find employment in, and double the quota for points based skilled workers visa (E7-4 visa), which is around 2,000 per year by 2025.

In order to solve the situation where 66% of foreigners in Korea are concentrated in the metropolitan areas, a local-specific long-term visa will be introduced.

30 Mar 2021
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