VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사


Blog: F-5 VISA, Permanent Resident VISA Korea (영주자격)

25 Jun 2022

[한국어출입국강의] F-5-10 비자 국내 석사학위 취득자

[한국어출입국강의] F-5-10 비자 국내 석사학위 취득자

F-5-10 비자 석사 학위 영주자격 요건 변경 

최근에 국내 석사학위 영주자격(F-5-10) 관련해서 요건이 변경되었음에도 불구하고 지침이나 안내 매뉴얼이 없어 바뀐 요건에 대해 궁금해 하시는 외국인이 많아 한국어 강의를 올립니다.

일선 출입국에서는 공개되지도 않은 지침을 적용하고 있어 저 뿐만 아니라 많은 행정사님, 외국인들이 힘들어 하고 있습니다.

이런 부분들이 빨리 개선되었으면 하는 바람입니다.

출입국외국인정책본부에 질의한 사항이 있어 확답은 드릴 수 없지만 본 강의가 도움이 될 수는 있을거라고 생각합니다.




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2 Jun 2022

F-5-1 VISA Ability to Maintain a Livelihood Income or Asset 영주권 영주자격 F-5 비자

F -5-1 VISA Ability to Maintain a Livelihood Income or Asset

According to the Ministry of Justice, when applying for permanent resident status(F-5) in accordance with Article 18-4, Paragraph 1, Item 2 of the recent Immigration Control Act enforcement regulations, Immigration accepts the net asset(excluding liabilities) or annual income(usually double GNI).

#expats #foreigner #영주권 #f5visa #permanent_residency_visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴

25 May 2022

Updated F-5 VISA Application_Breaking News일반 영주자격 부부 소득 합산 가능 General Permanent Residency visa in Korea

Updated F-5 VISA Application_Breaking News
일반 영주자격 부부 소득 합산 가능

When you apply for F-5-1 VISA (General Permanent Residency VISA), you may combine your yearly income and your spouse's if you live at the same place after marriage.

It applies for F-2-7 visa & F-2-71 visa holders.

Previously F-2-7 visa holder's income shall not be combined with F-2-71 visa holders(spouse) to meet GNI*2 but it has been changed recently.

최근 F-5-1 비자 신청 시 F-2-7 비자 소지자와 배우자 F-2-71 비자의 소득을 합산할 수 있다고 지침이 개정되었다고 합니다.

F-5-1 비자 신청시 부부 합산 소득으로 GNI*2를 충족할 수 있게 되었습니다.



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21 May 2022

F 5 VISA_Permanent Residency VISA in Korea_Living Maintenance Requirements Income and asset 영주자격 F-5 비자

F 5 VISA_Permanent Residency VISA in Korea_Living Maintenance Requirements Income and asset

Sometimes we are confusing about the meaning of words on Immigration Law in Korea.

When you apply for F-5 visa, permanent residency visa, you need to consider what does mean of 'Living Maintenance'.

Living maintenance consists of 2 words; one is Income and the other is Asset.

See more details about Income and(or) asset through the lecture.

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18 May 2022

영주자격 F-5 비자 신청 시 생계유지 요건 소득과 자산_장행닷컴행정서 VISA in KOREA 영주권 

영주자격 F-5 비자 신청 시 생계유지 요건 소득과 자산_장행닷컴행정서 VISA in KOREA

영주자격은 F-5 비자를 말하는 것으로 총 17가지(구체적으로는 20가지가 넘음)로 구분되고 있으며 가장 중요한 변경 요건이 소득입니다.

영주자격을 말할 때 생계유지 요건을 이야기하고 있는데 생계유지 능력에 소득과 자산이 포함된다고 알고 계신 분들은 많이 없습니다.

하지만 소득은 자산과는 전혀 다른 개념이며 소득이 필요한 영주자격과 소득 또는 자산 중 대체 할 수 있는 영주자격이 있습니다.

영주자격 F-5 비자 신청 시 필요 요건인 생계유지 요건 관련하여 자세한 사항은 영상을 보시면 되겠습니다.

장행닷컴행정사는 광고 없이 출입국 이민행정에 관심이 있으신 분들에게 최신 경향 이민 정보를 제공하고 있습니다.

장행닷컴행정사 사무소에 후원을 원하시는 시청자분들은 강의 동영상 아래 있는 Super Thanks를 통해서 후원하실 수 있습니다.


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18 May 2022

F-5-11 VISA Outstanding Talents in Particular Area F-5-11 비자 영주권 영주자격

F-5-11 VISA Outstanding Talents in Particular Area

Actually only few persons know about F-5-11 visa which persons with exceptional capabilities in such fields as science, business management, education, culture and arts, sports, etc., who meet the qualifications required by at least one of the "Compulsory Items".

This rule has been changed but there is no updated guideline on Hi Korea website. However, I got this information from Hi Korea and let you know which parts have been changed.

See ii) & iii) below have changed rule compared to previous rules. i) is the same as below.

1. Eligible Applicant

i) Thirty (30) points or higher from compulsory items and 50 points or higher from compulsory and elective items combined (prompt issuance of a permanent resident visa irrespective of how long the applicant has stayed in Korea) or

ii) Twenty (20)~Twenty-nine (29) points* or higher from compulsory items and 100 points or higher from compulsory and elective items combined (prompt issuance of a permanent resident visa irrespective of how long the applicant has stayed in Korea); or

iii) Ten (10)~Nineteen (19) points or higher from compulsory items and 100 points or higher from compulsory and elective items combined, and at least one-year stay in Korea after foreigner registration.

2. Changed Points(Elective Items)

1) No 'associate degree' points (previously 5 points);

2) No 'stay in Korea' points (previously 10 points);

3) No 'Home ownership' points (previously 10 points);

4) No 'stay in Korea with dependent family' points (previously 5 points)

3. Detailed Elective Points changed

1) Employment of Korean nationals for 6 months with a regular worker position:

Korean employment: 1~5: 5 points, 6~10: 10 points, 11~15: 15 points, 16~20: 20 points, 21~25: 25 points, 26 or more: 30 points (more than 6 months with Full time basis)

2) Business management experience(unit: KRW won)

Capital 100~500 mil won(5 points), 600 mil~1.0 billion(10 points), 1.1~1.5 billion(15 points), 1.6~2.0 billion(20 points), 2.1~2.5 billion(25 points), 2.6 billion or higher(30 points)

For the rest of information, you may see my previous Youtube Channel at



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6 Apr 2021
6 Apr 2021
14 Feb 2021
6 Feb 2021

[한국어 출입국 강의] D8 비자에서 F2 비자 F5 비자 변경 및 혜택 VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

[한국어 출입국 강의] D8 비자에서 F2 비자 F5 비자 변경 및 혜택 VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

멋진 필기 강의를 해드리려고 마우스펜을 구입해서 강의를 해드렸습니다.

처음 사용하는 마우스펜 기능때문에 17분~24분 사이는 화면은 안나오고 강의한 음성만 나오네요. 

이점 양해 바랍니다:) 구독과 좋아요를 눌러주시면 큰 힘이 될 것 같습니다.


4 Feb 2021
28 Jan 2021
28 Jan 2021

F-5 VISA without requiring GNI Income Permanent Residency visa Korea_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

F-5 VISA without requiring GNI Income Permanent Residency visa Korea_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

F-5-5 visa (Investor):

US$500,000, full-time employment of 5 or more citizens, 6 months or more

F-5-17 visa (Real estate investor]:

Investment in real estate with more than 500 million won, acquisition of F-2 visa, investment for 5 years

F-5-19 visa (Real estate investor]:

Unmarried children or spouse, F2 visa 5 years

F-5-12 visa (Special Merit):

-International exchange of economy, society, culture and science, foreign affairs;

-Social, welfare, employment field Recommendation letter

-us$5 million_ Executives dispatched to foreign corporations + 3 years stay, 1 per 10 citizens, Max. 10

-Contribute to the protection of Korean people’s lives and property from crime, disaster, disaster, and accident

F-5-24 visa (Startup investor]:

-D8-4 visa, 3 years, attracting 300 million won -2 citizens, over 6 months, full-time

F-5-21 visa (general investor in public utility):

500 million, F-2 visa 5 years;

F-5-23 visa (retirement investment in public utility):

Over 300 million won, F-2 visa maintained for 5 years;

F-5-22 visa (unmarried child and spouse of public utility investor):

F-2 visa, 5 years

F-5-25 visa (conditional investor):

1.5 billion won deposit, 5 years

F-5-11 visa: Point-based permanent residence status:

-30 required items + totally 50

-20 required +totally 100

–Totally 80, 1 year (ARC)

F-5-20 visa Children born in Korea of F-5 VISA holder

-Father or mother must stay in Korea with F-5 visa at the time of birth in Korea -Minor as of the date of application for F-5 



24 Jan 2021
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