VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사


Blog: Korea VISA & Immigration Information (한국비자와 출입국)-2021

30 Mar 2021
26 Mar 2021
22 Mar 2021
19 Mar 2021

사회통합프로그램 5단계 KIIP Stage 5 Completion Hours will be changed from Aug. 16, 2021.

사회통합프로그램 5단계 KIIP Stage 5 Completion Hours will be changed from Aug. 16, 2021.

For Permanent Residency (Basic Education), the KIIP completion hours will be 70 hours (current: 50 hours).

60 hours are educated by a text book, but 10 hours are for a participating education such as, selection from civil education, immigration mentor education, field education, voluntary activities etc.

For Naturalization (Advanced Education), the KIIP completion hours will be 30 hours (current: 20 hours).

For more information, you may contact to 1345 Immigration Contact Center.

2021년 8월 16일부터 사회통합프로그램 5단계 (영주자격용, 기본)과 귀화 (심화)과정의 이수시간이 변경됩니다.

5단계 기본은 70시간 (현행 50시간), 심화는 30시간 (현행 20시간)으로 변경된다고 합니다.

자세한 사항은 1345에 문의 바랍니다.
17 Mar 2021

D10-1 VISA, Job Seeking VISA, Internship Period related New Information

D10-1 VISA, Job Seeking VISA, Internship Period related New Information

Immigration policies are changing too quickly, and it is so difficult to check which part of the visa has been changing.

We are notifying you of recent changes regarding internships with D10-1 visa.

Originally, international students who graduated from domestic universities can stay in Korea and find a job for up to 2 years after changing their D10-1 visa from D-2 visa.

However, as a result of a recent check, if you worked in Korea on E7-1 visa and then do an internship with D10-1 visa, or if you graduated from a domestic university and engage in internship activities with D10-1 visa, the internship period shall be totally within 6 months even though your D10-1 visa period remains.  

It means after 6 months later as an Internship with D10-1 visa, there is no more internship period left, and you shall find a company to apply for E7-1 visa to work in Korea. 

Please refer to this information and hope that there is no disadvantage for you missing this information.

(*For reference, in the previous internship guidelines, it was able to do internships for a maximum of 6 months in one company and the duration of D10-1 visa.)


출입국 정책들이 너무 빠르게 변화하고 있고, 어떤 비자부분이 변화되고 있는지도 확인하기 힘들 정도로 어렵게 변하고 있습니다. 

최근에 인턴십에 관한 변경사항이 있어서 알려드립니다.

원래 국내 대학교를 졸업한 유학생은 구직비자인 D10-1비자 변경 후 최장 2년간 거주하면서 구직을 할 수 있었습니다.

그런데, 최근에 확인해 본 결과, 국내에서 E7-1비자 등으로 근무하다 D10-1비자로 인턴십을 하거나 국내 대학교를 졸업하고 인턴십 활동을 하는 경우, 그 인턴십 기간은 총 6개월 이내여야 한다고 합니다.

즉, D10-1비자 기간이 남아 있더라도 인턴십을 할 수 있는 기간은 최대 6개월 이라는 점 양지 바랍니다. 

이점 참고하셔서 불이익한 부분이 없기를 바랍니다.

(*참고로 이전의 인턴십은 한 회사에서 최대 6개월, 그리고 D10-1비자가 남아있는 기간동안 인턴십을 할 수 있었습니다.)
8 Mar 2021

Notification of Change of School Enrollment Status for Foreigners

Notification of Change of School Enrollment Status for Foreigners

In accordance with the Immigration Act, registered foreigners aged 6 or older and under 18 years old who have reported ‘School Enrollment Status’ shall report the change in School Enrollment Status as follows:

1. Persons to be reported:
Foreigners aged 6 or older and under 18 years old who have reported their School Enrollment Status in Elementary, Middle School and High School.

2. Deadline to Report Changes:
(1) If you have enrolled to a middle school or high school, you shall report it by Mar. 16, 2021;

(2) If you are enrolled an elementary school, middle school or high school first time, you shall report it by Mar. 16, 2021;

(3) You shall report within 15 days of the date you no longer attend a school.

*However, if you graduate, you don't need to report it.

3. Required Docs when You Report it:
(1) Passport, ARC, Form No. 34
(2) Documents that can prove the contents of the report, such as a report on enrollment and a certificate of enrollment

4. Report Procedures:
Visiting relevant Immigration Office or Electronic Fax at 1577-1346.
*Electronic Fax available hours: 09:00 am to 18:00 pm on weekdays.

**Call more details on 1345 Immigration Contact Center.

**See Korean version as attached.
14 Feb 2021

Combining Spouse Income for F5 VISA Permanent Residency visa Korea

13 Feb 2021

Recent Updated VISA in KOREA YouTube Lecture Series for Immigration & VISA as of Feb. 13, 2021 영어 한국어 출입국 강의

Recent Updated VISA in KOREA YouTube Lecture Series for Immigration & VISA as of Feb. 13, 2021 영어 한국어 출입국 강의

I. English Lecture

1. E7 VISA (Special Activity VISA)

2. F2 VISA (Residency VISA)

3. F5 VISA (Permanent Residency VISA)

4. D2 visa, D10 visa etc. 

II. Korean Language Lecture

1. E7 VISA

2. F2 VISA (Residency VISA)

3. F5 VISA (Permanent Residency VISA)

4. D2비자, D10비자, F6비자 

III. Friday Night Q & A


All Rights Reserved.
12 Feb 2021
12 Feb 2021
12 Feb 2021

Immigration Lecture_How to change my D8 visa to F2 visa or F5 visa_visa in Korea 장행닷컴행정사

Immigration Lecture_How to change my D8 visa to F2 visa or F5 visa_visa in Korea 장행닷컴행정사

I am running my corporate with D-8 visa. But I really want to change my D-8 visa to anther visa which I can work or run my different businesses in Korea without investing a bunch of money. 

Are there any VISAs can I apply for?


#expats #foreigner #investment_visa #d8visa #FDI #Foreign_Direct_Investment #f2visa #f5visa #residency_visa #permanent_residency_visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴
6 Feb 2021
1 Feb 2021
1 Feb 2021

D10-1 visa points charts for D-2 visa holders job seeking visa_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

D10-1 visa points charts for D-2 visa holders job seeking visa_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

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